I'm driving through town today and decide to look at gas prices as I do, since I need to fill up. Holy shit! The Shell station was selling their gas for $3.00/gallon and the BP right across the street was selling for $2.89/gallon. O_O Well, this is what I have to say: Fuck you Shell and Screw you BP! I got gas on post for $2.57/gallon, so take your insanely priced gas and shove it up your ass!!!! Praise all that is holy that I drive a Corolla. I used to hate it, it doesn't really fit me. I should be driving something sporty or a cute convertible. But now am I thankful for my little economy car! Woo-hoo!
Peer Pressure
I feel pressured to now have witty, interesting posts on my blog. Why? Because I have been linked from a funny blog. Which means that those that read his blog for their daily dose of humor might click on me thinking I'm entertaining too. Which, in person, I am. But creative writing has never been my strong point. Damn you English 102 and your making me rewrite already perfectly written plays!! And according to B.O.B.I. I am taking the "biggest easy-out there is" by being a stay-at-home mom. So what do I really have to write about? (Which, by the way, for anyone who was reading that huge war on his blog I had no idea that was going to turn into such a heated debate. Otherwise I would have kept my opinion right where it needs to be, behind my teeth. I don't want to be involved in drama on other's blogs.)
I am so bad about this writing crap that I can't even come up with stuff to put into a letter to my husband in Iraq!! :O We chat through yahoo so he gets to know what I'm doing and what I'm going through. But I know he likes to receive mail, I know I like it when I get mail from him. So every couple of weeks I sit down with pen and paper and try to think of stuff to write to him about. As soon as I sit down to do it all my thoughts fly straight out the damned window (like they do here). So I end up writing half a page on not having anything to talk about. Sound familiar??
I am so bad about this writing crap that I can't even come up with stuff to put into a letter to my husband in Iraq!! :O We chat through yahoo so he gets to know what I'm doing and what I'm going through. But I know he likes to receive mail, I know I like it when I get mail from him. So every couple of weeks I sit down with pen and paper and try to think of stuff to write to him about. As soon as I sit down to do it all my thoughts fly straight out the damned window (like they do here). So I end up writing half a page on not having anything to talk about. Sound familiar??
Quiet Weekend
So I’ve been a little lazy the past few days and haven’t posted. Give me a break! You know a girl has to have a life now and then… although that wouldn’t be me. Lol Even though I’ve been too busy to post I haven’t really been busy doing anything. Let’s see, what did I do this weekend?:
Friday: Went to CiCi’s pizza with my friend, Linda, and our kids. You would be surprised the conversations we were able to have while the boys were busy with their pizza and the cartoons on the big screen tv. o_O After that we went back to her place and hung out. She forced me (ok, not really much forcing was involved) to watch The Ring 2. Holy crap! How scary was that movie?! I think it was definitely better than the first, even if some of it was predictable. I was so scared that I moved from the overstuffed chair to the couch next to her so I could grab onto her when I jumped. Yes, I’m a scary movie wimp. I like scary, not gory.
Saturday: After getting 7 hours of sleep woke up the grumpy boys for football practice at the damn crack of dawn! Ok, so 9am isn’t really the crack of dawn, but it is for me. Watching son#1, and all the other little boys on the team, running around in their too-large white football helmets trying to tackle each other is well worth waking up so damned early. After practice we came home and went back to bed. The boys slept until about 1:30 or so. I let them play the video game I rented them for pretty much the rest of the day. Which is rare because I don’t let them play much, don’t want them turning into vegetables. I read pretty much all day, oh and played some Yohoho Puzzle Pirates too.
Sunday: We didn’t do anything, just lounged around being lazy all day. I read some more, we played some more Lego Star Wars and that’s about it.
Yes, it was a rather quiet, boring weekend, but we needed the rest after all the running we’ve done lately with football, school and scouts.
Friday: Went to CiCi’s pizza with my friend, Linda, and our kids. You would be surprised the conversations we were able to have while the boys were busy with their pizza and the cartoons on the big screen tv. o_O After that we went back to her place and hung out. She forced me (ok, not really much forcing was involved) to watch The Ring 2. Holy crap! How scary was that movie?! I think it was definitely better than the first, even if some of it was predictable. I was so scared that I moved from the overstuffed chair to the couch next to her so I could grab onto her when I jumped. Yes, I’m a scary movie wimp. I like scary, not gory.
Saturday: After getting 7 hours of sleep woke up the grumpy boys for football practice at the damn crack of dawn! Ok, so 9am isn’t really the crack of dawn, but it is for me. Watching son#1, and all the other little boys on the team, running around in their too-large white football helmets trying to tackle each other is well worth waking up so damned early. After practice we came home and went back to bed. The boys slept until about 1:30 or so. I let them play the video game I rented them for pretty much the rest of the day. Which is rare because I don’t let them play much, don’t want them turning into vegetables. I read pretty much all day, oh and played some Yohoho Puzzle Pirates too.
Sunday: We didn’t do anything, just lounged around being lazy all day. I read some more, we played some more Lego Star Wars and that’s about it.
Yes, it was a rather quiet, boring weekend, but we needed the rest after all the running we’ve done lately with football, school and scouts.
Rat Tails and Man Perms
Ok, before I go into my little story for this afternoon I have to give you a vocabulary lesson. *ahem* A commissary is "a supermarket for military personnel and their dependents, usually located on a military installation." So, therefore, anyone in the commissary is linked to the military in some fashion; i.e. soldier, spouse, child, civilian worker, etc. Ok, with that out of the way I begin my tale.
I went to the commissary after picking son#2 up from school. Tomorrow is our day for bringing snacks so I was picking up some pudding and juice boxes. I get to the checkout and, I shit you not, I see a dude with a rat tail!! Now I don't mean he had a little bit of hair hanging down on his neck. NO, this was a huge 1 inch by 8 inches section of hair hanging off his head! Poor thing, I felt bad for him because you know he gets judged based on his bad choice in hair. And why are his friends and family letting him ouf the house looking like that on an Army post?
So, I'm just recovering from the shock of seeing a rat tail for the first time in several years when I spot some hair that may be even worse than that as I'm heading out the door. This dude was wearing a baseball cap and had a very large amount of streaked, permed hair hanging out the back of his hat down to about mid shoulder blades. Yes, it was permed! Very curly, kind of like a spiral 'do. And his dark hair had very wide blond streaks all through it. I can only imagine what it all looks like with the hat. I am not only shocked by his choice of hair but also by the fact that he is wearing Army pt (physical training) pants and was so obviously NOT a soldier. That took huge balls! Luckily for him it's a deployment, so there aren't too many soldiers left here to whoop his ass for that. I really wish at times like this that I had a cell phone with one of those little spy cameras in it.
I went to the commissary after picking son#2 up from school. Tomorrow is our day for bringing snacks so I was picking up some pudding and juice boxes. I get to the checkout and, I shit you not, I see a dude with a rat tail!! Now I don't mean he had a little bit of hair hanging down on his neck. NO, this was a huge 1 inch by 8 inches section of hair hanging off his head! Poor thing, I felt bad for him because you know he gets judged based on his bad choice in hair. And why are his friends and family letting him ouf the house looking like that on an Army post?
So, I'm just recovering from the shock of seeing a rat tail for the first time in several years when I spot some hair that may be even worse than that as I'm heading out the door. This dude was wearing a baseball cap and had a very large amount of streaked, permed hair hanging out the back of his hat down to about mid shoulder blades. Yes, it was permed! Very curly, kind of like a spiral 'do. And his dark hair had very wide blond streaks all through it. I can only imagine what it all looks like with the hat. I am not only shocked by his choice of hair but also by the fact that he is wearing Army pt (physical training) pants and was so obviously NOT a soldier. That took huge balls! Luckily for him it's a deployment, so there aren't too many soldiers left here to whoop his ass for that. I really wish at times like this that I had a cell phone with one of those little spy cameras in it.
Just for April
April, as you can see I have now activated comments on my blog. So now you can reply back to my smartass! Who loves ya baby?!
Oh, and did you guys notice I figured out how to add my daily reads to my sidebar? How cool am I?
Oh, and did you guys notice I figured out how to add my daily reads to my sidebar? How cool am I?
Ok, I posted on my friends blog that I'm worth more than her, but forgot that I hadn't posted my worth. lol So, here it is:
I am worth $1,517,538 on HumanForSale.com
I am worth $1,517,538 on HumanForSale.com
Dane and B.o.b.i.
Wow, you guys are awesome! Not only do I find your blogs to be witty, enlightening and uplifting, but you gave me a shout out on top of it. What girl wouldn't love that?! You know, there are days where I get no adult interaction other than your blogs, and I can't tell you how much I look forward to reading whatever crazy thing you have to post about that day. So, to my two favorite bloggers, dane and b.o.b.i., I say thank you for sharing your insanity with the rest of us.
Template Change
Ok, so you've noticed my template change. Even though pink is my favorite color, actually pretty much my only color, I had to change it because my friend, April, who just started her own blog used the same template I was using. *cough*thief*cough* This was the only one I could come across that was cute and girly too. :( I can do my own backgrounds and stuff, but this css stuff on these templates is beyond what I can do. Damn you, April!! lol
Back to Bloggin'
All right, well after the drama that unfolded on my blog last week I took a little break. I had actually decided to take down my blog completely but just opted to change some things about it. So, I have it done now so nobody can post comments. That's no fun, I know, but I am not subjecting myself to some spiteful, spineless person who feels my public online journal is the place to spew their hatred.
I like blogging because it gives me the chance to talk to others when I'm feeling lonely sitting in this house with no other adult interaction. Yes, I have my sons and believe me they keep me hopping, but it's not the same as having another grown up to talk to. Now that the internet situation in my husbands camp has changed we no longer get to chat each day or even every couple of days. It's a much more lonely existence without him. He really is my other half. He makes me laugh all the time. He has the most warped sense of humor and it often worries me that I laugh at the things he says. lol That just made me think of one of the things I really miss about him...celebrity spotting! He is soooo bad about pointing out when a person looks like somebody else. He can almost always compare a person to a celebrity of some sort. And some of them are freaking funny and so true. Or seeing someone walking around like this and saying "1987 called, they want their hair back." It's always silly little things like that that I think of that makes me miss him.
*Lip update: Well after I posted about my lip I went to check it more closely in the mirror and saw it had a freaky lump in it. I poked at it and this nasty gloppy stuff oozed out of it. I messed with it a bit more to get all of it out. And now it's just fine and back to normal. So, it was nothing to be too concerned with, thankfully.
I like blogging because it gives me the chance to talk to others when I'm feeling lonely sitting in this house with no other adult interaction. Yes, I have my sons and believe me they keep me hopping, but it's not the same as having another grown up to talk to. Now that the internet situation in my husbands camp has changed we no longer get to chat each day or even every couple of days. It's a much more lonely existence without him. He really is my other half. He makes me laugh all the time. He has the most warped sense of humor and it often worries me that I laugh at the things he says. lol That just made me think of one of the things I really miss about him...celebrity spotting! He is soooo bad about pointing out when a person looks like somebody else. He can almost always compare a person to a celebrity of some sort. And some of them are freaking funny and so true. Or seeing someone walking around like this and saying "1987 called, they want their hair back." It's always silly little things like that that I think of that makes me miss him.
*Lip update: Well after I posted about my lip I went to check it more closely in the mirror and saw it had a freaky lump in it. I poked at it and this nasty gloppy stuff oozed out of it. I messed with it a bit more to get all of it out. And now it's just fine and back to normal. So, it was nothing to be too concerned with, thankfully.
Should I be concerned?
The center of my bottom lip is numb. Bad enough that I spilled Cherry Coke down the front of my shirt because of it. Quite embarrassing! Anyway, I got my lip pierced (by the way, that pic is not of me) back in April and have had no problems with it until last week. I think it's infected or something because it hurts. This morning I decided to put the original stainless steel ball in it. When I went to grab up the little baggie that I keep my piercing jewelry in I found that son#2 decided to put some water in the bag and seal it back up. So now all my jewelry smells like mildew. AND he lost the stainless steel ball that I was going to put in. This did not make for a happy morning! In place of the one I wanted to put in I put my plastic one in. I hope this helps. I've also been using the piercing solution again. I guess I'll give it another week and then, possibly, maybe, if I have to make an appointment to get it checked out. When it comes to seeing a doc I am as bad as a guy. I have to be pretty much dying before I go in.
Out of the Mouths of Babes...
After I pick up son#2 from preschool we were sitting around playing with Jack, the dog. When out of nowhere Jack started feeling a little frisky. So he jumps on my sons leg and starts going to town. I'm watching this trying not to laugh because my son is squealing "Jack, get off of me! Jack!" After he gets up he comes over to me and says, in a high-pitched I-can't-believe-that-just-happened-voice, "Jack put his balls on my leg!" I about died!! I'm trying to hold in my laughter as I tell him that we don't say things like that. Man, am I glad he's out of the room now so I can laugh about it!
Ok, I am a happy girl today! Why? Well because my shipment of my new computer speakers came in today. See, last year we bought a puppy, brought our new bundle of joy home and his first act of defiance was chewing through the wire of our computer speakers. Now, I don't mean your standard rinky-dink speakers, I'm talking mega-ass kicking, got a subwoofer to knock shit off the walls kind of speakers. We listened to the computer more than the stereo. So, needless to say Jack, the puppy, was in the doghouse for quite some time (in fact my husband still hates him for it). So in the meantime I just bought some cheap ass speakers to tide us over. The other day I was finally fed up with not having the proper amount of bass and other good sounds emitting from my cheapies. I ordered my new speakers and surprisingly they arrived today! "But Desiree', what was the first song you played to test them out?" Since you asked, I played Baby Got Back by the almighty poet Sir MixALot. And yes, I was shaking my ass off!! If anybody would have walked in they would have thought they were seeing tryouts for The Grind.
Oh, and even better I no longer have a downstairs neighbor to worry about. Bite that you stupid bitch!! Oh, sorry, I regressed back into my anger at her for a sec.
Oh, and even better I no longer have a downstairs neighbor to worry about. Bite that you stupid bitch!! Oh, sorry, I regressed back into my anger at her for a sec.
Georgia Rain
Today was a beautiful day. Nice and sunny, very hot. I met up with a friend for some Dairy Queen and then picked son#2 up from school. My son asked if we could go out to eat. I figured I've been good this week and have cooked each night so what the hell, sure. He asked to go to Shoney's, or for you Northerners and Mid-Westerners it's called Big Boy. Again, I say sure. Fast forward a couple of hours and it's raining. And I don't mean drizzly Seattle-type rain, I mean bottom-falls-out-thunder-and-lightning-Georgia-type rain. Seriously, if you were to look up Savannah's weather you would see that at least 5 days a week they predict thunderstorms. They come out of nowhere too, just like this one. So, it's now time for dinner and it is freaking pouring outside, but I told my little one that we'd go out to eat. I am very much if I tell my kids we're doing something, we're doing it by God, come hell or highwater. I despise letting them down. So, yes, I piled our crazy asses in the car so we could go to Shoney's to eat. Also something else I do for them is drive through the puddles on the side of the road. They love to watch the water come splashing up! I kinda like it too. *giggle* As if people didn't think we were crazy enough already getting out in this crap I just cemented it in their minds that I am loony by hitting every puddle we come across.
So we get to Shoney's and tonight is the breakfast for dinner night on the buffet. Yum! *Remember I am not a morning person, so I rarely eat breakfast. So we're sitting there munching on our food when I see across the restaurant this itty-bitty woman with the biggest salad I have ever seen in my life. I shit you not, this salad was piled 2 inches high all the way around the plate!! "That was probably her whole meal," you say to me. Ah, no my friend, after the salad her food came out, fried shrimp and a baked potato. I was in utter amazement at the sight of this very petite woman eating this grotesquely large amount of food. If I ate like that I would be the size of a house. *rolls eyes* Damn metabolism!
So we get to Shoney's and tonight is the breakfast for dinner night on the buffet. Yum! *Remember I am not a morning person, so I rarely eat breakfast. So we're sitting there munching on our food when I see across the restaurant this itty-bitty woman with the biggest salad I have ever seen in my life. I shit you not, this salad was piled 2 inches high all the way around the plate!! "That was probably her whole meal," you say to me. Ah, no my friend, after the salad her food came out, fried shrimp and a baked potato. I was in utter amazement at the sight of this very petite woman eating this grotesquely large amount of food. If I ate like that I would be the size of a house. *rolls eyes* Damn metabolism!
Ok, I am NOT a morning person. At all. No question about it. I never have been, never will be. I can be quite grumpy in the morning if not given the appropriate amount of time to get over being pissed about being up. Well, now that both the boys are in school I have to get up and stay up. When son #1 was the only one in school I'd get up with him and then go back to bed. Ah, those lovely days are long over now. Now I actually have to get out of bed and put on real clothes, no lounging in pj's all day either!
So, this morning starts off not too bad. I'm my usual non-morning self but things are going smoothly. Nobody's running late, no arguing, we're good. I go outside to drive son #2 to preschool and am hit square in the face by an extremely noxiuos odor! I mean, it smells like they turned my street into the newest landfill. Today is trash day, but I have never smelled the street like this before. The garbage trucks had already run through about an hour before I walked out there. Why did it smell so? Have they not dumped those damn trucks yet this year?? Needless to say, this assault to my senses has totally messed up my morning. Who knows how much longer the scent will linger outside my front door. *sigh*
So, this morning starts off not too bad. I'm my usual non-morning self but things are going smoothly. Nobody's running late, no arguing, we're good. I go outside to drive son #2 to preschool and am hit square in the face by an extremely noxiuos odor! I mean, it smells like they turned my street into the newest landfill. Today is trash day, but I have never smelled the street like this before. The garbage trucks had already run through about an hour before I walked out there. Why did it smell so? Have they not dumped those damn trucks yet this year?? Needless to say, this assault to my senses has totally messed up my morning. Who knows how much longer the scent will linger outside my front door. *sigh*
I didn't really feel like posting today. I'm not having the best one today. My 7-year old was tested for ADHD today and was shown to have it. I'm not really sure how to handle this. I know the stigma that goes along with it, but I don't know anything else about it. Other than they are going to medicate my baby and turn him into a zombie. I am more worried about long term effects than I am the here-and-now. Is this something he'll be cured of or will he have this his whole life? Will he live to be a successful adult? Will I want to toss him out on his crazy ass when he's a teenager? So many questions and concerns. And, of course, I am dealing with this alone thanks, yet again, to Baby Bush. Asshole! So I sent my husband a video mail so he could see and hear me going through my emotional breakdown. Why should I suffer alone when I can share it with someone suffering in Bum-Fuck-Iraq?? Hee hee! Ugh! Well I am going to scour the internet to see what all I can find out. Wish me luck!
Do what??
"Windsor, Ontario, hair stylist Waddah (Martin) Mustapha was awarded the equivalent of about US$270,000 by a court in April after he testified that he became racked with depression upon seeing a fly inside a commercial bottle of water at his salon. Presumably, damages would have been more if Mustapha had actually drunk from the bottle (or even opened it). As it was, he and his wife vomited, and he required extensive psychotherapy for nightmares, loss of sense of humor, increased argumentativeness, lack of desire to shower regularly, and constipation. [Windsor Star, 4-23-05]"
Ok, so you're telling me that this guy couldn't shower or shit because there was a fly in his unopened bottle of water??? I am too baffled by this to really comment on it other than to say...Wow!
Ok, so you're telling me that this guy couldn't shower or shit because there was a fly in his unopened bottle of water??? I am too baffled by this to really comment on it other than to say...Wow!
He's Baaaack
Teddy Ruxpin Yes, it seems the toy that was forever out of my grasp as a child is now available for my children. I should get it for them just to spite my mom for not buying me one all those many years ago.
This weekend was pretty cool. Well, at least for me it was. Mainly because I didn't spend it cooped up in my house! :) Saturday we went out with a friend and her son to eat some Mexican. I, of course, got my usual..steak fajita nachos. Mmmm, good! If you ever venture to the Savannah, GA area you have to hit an El Potro for some great Mexican food. After dinner we went to her place to hang for a bit. We talked about all kinds of stuff; from kids to pets to husbands to adult toys. We had a few drinks too. The boys all played and had a good time, with minimal arguing. (shocking!) We were having such a good time girl-talking that the next thing I know it's after 2am! O_O
Then today we had a birthday party to go to. It was for a one-year old. So mainly we just went to give a gift and eat some cake. She had a daughter about my boys age so they all played. Not too nicely though. Oh well, that's boys and girls for ya. But it was nice to get to chit chat with her too. This is the first time that she and I had hung out outside of an FRG meeting. I can definitely see us being friends. Which around here, every true friend you can find is a huge commodity!
My youngest son, S., is heading to his first day of pre-k tomorrow. I am so excited! But I know I'm going to cry my eyes out. I always do when it comes to doing something that my husband is missing out on and will never get the opportunity to experience again. Yeah, I can take pictures or video it, but it's just not the same. Times like this make me feel so lonely and lost without him. Dads are supposed to be there for the first day of school, damnit! It's not fair that so many children are missing out on a parent not being there because of some ridiculous personal vendetta the Bush family has! Well, anyway, I better not get on that tangent because I could rant and rave all night about that. But I really am looking forward to his big day tomorrow and can't wait to be able to send his daddy the pics.
Then today we had a birthday party to go to. It was for a one-year old. So mainly we just went to give a gift and eat some cake. She had a daughter about my boys age so they all played. Not too nicely though. Oh well, that's boys and girls for ya. But it was nice to get to chit chat with her too. This is the first time that she and I had hung out outside of an FRG meeting. I can definitely see us being friends. Which around here, every true friend you can find is a huge commodity!
My youngest son, S., is heading to his first day of pre-k tomorrow. I am so excited! But I know I'm going to cry my eyes out. I always do when it comes to doing something that my husband is missing out on and will never get the opportunity to experience again. Yeah, I can take pictures or video it, but it's just not the same. Times like this make me feel so lonely and lost without him. Dads are supposed to be there for the first day of school, damnit! It's not fair that so many children are missing out on a parent not being there because of some ridiculous personal vendetta the Bush family has! Well, anyway, I better not get on that tangent because I could rant and rave all night about that. But I really am looking forward to his big day tomorrow and can't wait to be able to send his daddy the pics.
Random Thought of the Day
Why is that when your pets clean themselves they have to make so much damn noise? It creeps me out when my dog or cat is licking their ass and making all kinds of slurping and other sounds of enjoyment while doing it. I feel like I am invading their privacy by being in the same room with them when they do this. What's worse is my cat, Princess, sleeps on my bed at night and wakes me with her cleaning. She moves around so much she shakes the bed. Quite disturbing!
I'm addicted
Ok, I found yet another quiz I took. I've actually taken way more than I've posted. Yes, a scary thought indeed. Anyway, this one made me laugh out loud when I got the results.
Congratulations! You're Merry!

Which Lord of the Rings character and personality problem are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
Congratulations! You're Merry!

Which Lord of the Rings character and personality problem are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
Well I thought I would take the opportunity to explain my username, which will explain a bit about me. I am originally from Nashville, TN but now live in Fort Stewart, GA; thanks to the US Army. So my username, tennchikatheart, means that I am a Tennessee chick at heart. Cute, huh? So, here is a funny blogthing I found that tells a little about being a Nashvillian...
You Know You're From Nashville When...
The word "snow" means a week off from school and maybe even work.
To you Paris is near Waverly and Athens and Rome are in Georgia.
You stop your car for ambulances, fire trucks and hearses.
You take down your Christmas tree before January first.
Someone within hearing distance is singing or humming.
There's a musical instrument somewhere in the house.
You don't do things without "fixin" to do them first.
You judge things as "alright", "fine" or "right fine".
Your food has beans or Tobasco in it.
You know what a T-Rac is.
You "luck up" and not "luck out".
Drivers stop before they turn.
Someone you know has written a song.
You own the boots but can't ride a horse.
No one around you is a native Nashvillian either.
You run red lights so you won't be hit from behind.
Fast food is faster inside than at the drive-up window.
To you a well-trained dog stays in the bed of the truck.
Half of the people at work know someone in entertainment.
Strangers ask if you're doin alright, and friends ask what's goin on.
You ignore country stars but dance and holler in front of football players.
You actually get these jokes and pass them on to other friends from Nashville.
You Know You're From Nashville When...
The word "snow" means a week off from school and maybe even work.
To you Paris is near Waverly and Athens and Rome are in Georgia.
You stop your car for ambulances, fire trucks and hearses.
You take down your Christmas tree before January first.
Someone within hearing distance is singing or humming.
There's a musical instrument somewhere in the house.
You don't do things without "fixin" to do them first.
You judge things as "alright", "fine" or "right fine".
Your food has beans or Tobasco in it.
You know what a T-Rac is.
You "luck up" and not "luck out".
Drivers stop before they turn.
Someone you know has written a song.
You own the boots but can't ride a horse.
No one around you is a native Nashvillian either.
You run red lights so you won't be hit from behind.
Fast food is faster inside than at the drive-up window.
To you a well-trained dog stays in the bed of the truck.
Half of the people at work know someone in entertainment.
Strangers ask if you're doin alright, and friends ask what's goin on.
You ignore country stars but dance and holler in front of football players.
You actually get these jokes and pass them on to other friends from Nashville.
Oh, and I added a couple of links over there on the side.
Neopets is a crazy, habit-forming games site. Um, it comes across as being a kids site, but the majority of players are over 18. You laugh now, but you can get addicted.
Another game that I recently ran across that I like is on the Slingo site, it's called Pirate's Fortune. It's mainly a time-killer thing.
And finally, I added a link to some pics of me and my family. Nothing all that great, it's not like I'm flashing my boobs or anything. O:)
Neopets is a crazy, habit-forming games site. Um, it comes across as being a kids site, but the majority of players are over 18. You laugh now, but you can get addicted.
Another game that I recently ran across that I like is on the Slingo site, it's called Pirate's Fortune. It's mainly a time-killer thing.
And finally, I added a link to some pics of me and my family. Nothing all that great, it's not like I'm flashing my boobs or anything. O:)
I've been going through other peoples blogs and have come to a couple of conclusions: 1. Some people have way too much drama in their lives and 2. I need to be more witty on here.
Ok, I know this married couple that both have blogs on here. They have been having their issues and everyone that knows them knows about it. Well, now thanks to blogspot the whole world now knows too. It's funny because you can see people arguing about them on their blogs! I tune in to her blog daily because it's such a soap opera! He doesn't get to update his as much since he is in Iraq.
Witty... Hm, I can't come up with anything. That's my problem, when I sit at my computer and look at the screen I automatically revert back to the old days of school when I'd have to write reports, essays and journals. So it's so hard to type and it not be just some boring account of my day. I'll have to start taking notes of my funny thoughts and adventures throughout the day so that way when I come on here I can reference my notes. *sigh*
Ok, I know this married couple that both have blogs on here. They have been having their issues and everyone that knows them knows about it. Well, now thanks to blogspot the whole world now knows too. It's funny because you can see people arguing about them on their blogs! I tune in to her blog daily because it's such a soap opera! He doesn't get to update his as much since he is in Iraq.
Witty... Hm, I can't come up with anything. That's my problem, when I sit at my computer and look at the screen I automatically revert back to the old days of school when I'd have to write reports, essays and journals. So it's so hard to type and it not be just some boring account of my day. I'll have to start taking notes of my funny thoughts and adventures throughout the day so that way when I come on here I can reference my notes. *sigh*
Crazy Mart
Ok, so I go to the open house for school today. Of course the teacher wants crap that I didn't buy over the weekend. So after dinner I decide to make a quick trip to Wal Mart. I needed to get just a few supplies, some shampoo and soap for the boys, and some breakfast stuff, thirty minutes tops trip, right? Wrong!! Try almost 2 1/2 hours!! o_O The people in the school supplies aisles were freaking insane! My son almost got run over twice! People were just shoving their way through and going crazy. I mean, you'd have thought it was Christmas Eve or something. I couldn't believe it. Then to make it worse they only had 5 regular lanes, one express lane and 4 self checkout lanes open. So each lane had like 15 people in it. So I choose a self checkout lane thinking it might go pretty quickly. Ugh, wrong again! There was this lady who weighed like 300 pounds with an entire cart full of stuff in the self checkout lane. Come on! If you have a cartful of crap, be polite and save the self checkout for those with less stuff! Then two people behind her was this woman who ended up needing help and had to wait 10 minutes before an associate finally came over to straighten it out. This one chick kept coming over to bring people over to her little stand to ring them up real quick. What was ticking me off was two times she came and took the person right behind me! Dude, I had like 10 things in my cart! I would have been quick!! So, I ended up being in line for about 50 minutes. By the time I got out of there and got home it was way past the boys bedtimes. In fact I almost missed the beginning of Over There.
*Note to self, don't ever go to Wal Mart the night before school starts.
*Note to self, don't ever go to Wal Mart the night before school starts.
Why is it that the beginning of the school year is so stressful? Shouldn't it be easy-breezy? I mean, your kids have driven you to the brink of madness for a couple of months and it's finally time to get your freedom back. But no, the whole damn process has to be stressful. Have you ever tried school shopping with a child who doesn't want to go? I wouldn't recommend it. By the end of the day I was ready to either scream or drink myself into a coma. Although I did neither.
So I go to check out a school for my younger son. He misses the birthday cutoff to enter kindergarten by 10 days. As if having Sept 11th as his birthday isn't bad enough, now it's keeping him back a year in school. So I go to this little Methodist preschool one of my friends told me about. They had space for one more. It's gonna cost $185 per month, which I thought was reasonable. At least it's better than what a daycare would charge. Well, my husband didn't think the same. He wasn't too happy about my find. He thinks it's expensive. So I guess I am going to have to try to find a part time job to pay for it. Which wouldn't be too hard if his school had normal hours, but they only go from 9am to 1pm. I don't know of too many places that will bend over backwards for a part time employee. Plus it's not like we have a huge job market here in good ole Hinesville! Unless you want to work at WalMart or a fast food place you're pretty much out of luck.
I also got both my boys signed up for sports. The younger one is gonna play soccer and the older one is gonna play football. He's wanted to play for a couple of years now but he's just now at the age that he can, he's 7. But I was reading the handout and the max weight for his age group is 110lbs. o_O A 7 year old that weighs 110lbs? That's one big ass kid! My poor little skinny thing is gonna get smooshed like a pancake!
Well my husband is pulling a new guard shift in Baghdad. So he isn't able to get online every day like normal. :-( But the place where he's staying has a pool so he's been able to go swimming for the first time since being there. He isn't in one of the cushy palaces that they show on the news to make it look like the soldiers have it so great. But he has a roof over his head, internet in his room and an air conditioning unit, so I can't complain too much. But of course as a wife I want more for him. I mean, if they have to be away from their families and everything they know for so long they should have more to keep themselves occupied. Hey, here's a pic of my soldier. :D
So I go to check out a school for my younger son. He misses the birthday cutoff to enter kindergarten by 10 days. As if having Sept 11th as his birthday isn't bad enough, now it's keeping him back a year in school. So I go to this little Methodist preschool one of my friends told me about. They had space for one more. It's gonna cost $185 per month, which I thought was reasonable. At least it's better than what a daycare would charge. Well, my husband didn't think the same. He wasn't too happy about my find. He thinks it's expensive. So I guess I am going to have to try to find a part time job to pay for it. Which wouldn't be too hard if his school had normal hours, but they only go from 9am to 1pm. I don't know of too many places that will bend over backwards for a part time employee. Plus it's not like we have a huge job market here in good ole Hinesville! Unless you want to work at WalMart or a fast food place you're pretty much out of luck.
I also got both my boys signed up for sports. The younger one is gonna play soccer and the older one is gonna play football. He's wanted to play for a couple of years now but he's just now at the age that he can, he's 7. But I was reading the handout and the max weight for his age group is 110lbs. o_O A 7 year old that weighs 110lbs? That's one big ass kid! My poor little skinny thing is gonna get smooshed like a pancake!
Well my husband is pulling a new guard shift in Baghdad. So he isn't able to get online every day like normal. :-( But the place where he's staying has a pool so he's been able to go swimming for the first time since being there. He isn't in one of the cushy palaces that they show on the news to make it look like the soldiers have it so great. But he has a roof over his head, internet in his room and an air conditioning unit, so I can't complain too much. But of course as a wife I want more for him. I mean, if they have to be away from their families and everything they know for so long they should have more to keep themselves occupied. Hey, here's a pic of my soldier. :D

Another quiz
Now, this one is definitely me!
The Keys to Your Heart |
You are attracted to those who are unbridled, untrammeled, and free. |
In love, you feel the most alive when things are straight-forward, and you're told that you're loved. |
You'd like to your lover to think you are stylish and alluring. |
You would be forced to break up with someone who was emotional, moody, and difficult to please. |
Your ideal relationship is open. Both of you can talk about everything... no secrets. |
Your risk of cheating is zero. You care about society and morality. You would never break a commitment. |
You think of marriage as something precious. You'll treasure marriage and treat it as sacred. |
In this moment, you think of love as something you thirst for. You'll do anything for love, but you won't fall for it easily. |
Hmm, I took this quiz I found. Um, some of it is true about me, but some of it is way off. The last part about being happy or bringing others down is definitely me. If Mama ain't happy, ain't nobody happy! But I often find myself at a loss for words. I have this belief that I get dumber with each kid I pop out. I used to be so smart! I was never at a loss for words, was always able to think fast and didn't ever have trouble thinking of what I wanted to say. Now, though, sometimes I am lucky to verbalize anything. lol
Your Hidden Talent |
![]() You're never at a loss to explain what you mean or how you feel. People find it easy to empathize with you, no matter what your situation. When you're up, you make everyone happy. But when you're down, everyone suffers. |
Funny Bumper Stickers
Ok, so I went out of town this past weekend to get my kids back from their grandma. I drove up to Pennsylvania Friday and drove right back Saturday. On the way back home I saw this car at a gas station that had three of the funniest bumper stickers I think I've seen. They said:
1. Smart Bomb...Dumb President
2. When in doubt, bomb a country.
3. Who Would Jesus Bomb?
Obviously this person is not the biggest baby Bush fan. And since I liked these so much you can tell that I'm not either. Have you seen any good anti-Bush bumper stickers or slogans? If so, share them with me here.
1. Smart Bomb...Dumb President
2. When in doubt, bomb a country.
3. Who Would Jesus Bomb?
Obviously this person is not the biggest baby Bush fan. And since I liked these so much you can tell that I'm not either. Have you seen any good anti-Bush bumper stickers or slogans? If so, share them with me here.