
Peer Pressure

I feel pressured to now have witty, interesting posts on my blog. Why? Because I have been linked from a funny blog. Which means that those that read his blog for their daily dose of humor might click on me thinking I'm entertaining too. Which, in person, I am. But creative writing has never been my strong point. Damn you English 102 and your making me rewrite already perfectly written plays!! And according to B.O.B.I. I am taking the "biggest easy-out there is" by being a stay-at-home mom. So what do I really have to write about? (Which, by the way, for anyone who was reading that huge war on his blog I had no idea that was going to turn into such a heated debate. Otherwise I would have kept my opinion right where it needs to be, behind my teeth. I don't want to be involved in drama on other's blogs.)
I am so bad about this writing crap that I can't even come up with stuff to put into a letter to my husband in Iraq!! :O We chat through yahoo so he gets to know what I'm doing and what I'm going through. But I know he likes to receive mail, I know I like it when I get mail from him. So every couple of weeks I sit down with pen and paper and try to think of stuff to write to him about. As soon as I sit down to do it all my thoughts fly straight out the damned window (like they do here). So I end up writing half a page on not having anything to talk about. Sound familiar??


Blogger UberGoober said...

Why do you NEED to be funny, there is humor in the every day goings on of life.

Humor is perspective though, to some an infected toe might be funny as hell, but it would be gross to others. Myself,,, toes are funny.

8/31/2005 8:58 AM  
Blogger Spinning Girl said...

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9/01/2005 8:48 PM  
Blogger Spinning Girl said...

Ha ha! I am finding the same sort of pressure--to come up with something good!


I am oveyly tired.

9/01/2005 8:49 PM  

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