

I went to the hospital yesterday after the maintenance guy left. I was seen pretty quickly. They put me on oxygen for about an hour or so, drew blood for a blood gas test, and gave me some Tylenol for my headache. Once the blood gas test came back they saw I wasn't so bad that I had to be admitted, but it was close. They just kept telling me to go to sleep. I couldn't stop yawning, and I mean huge forever long yawns. The doctor said that I needed to sleep because that's what my brain was wanting to do because of it's lack of oxygen. Or at least I'm pretty sure that's what he said, things were fuzzy. I felt weird. It was as if everything around me was in slow motion, they would have to ask me questions a couple of times for me to get what they were saying to me. So after having me on the oxygen and letting me sleep for a bit they gave me Lortab for headaches and sent me home the the instructions to go home and sleep.
I was so scared that I was going to lose conciousness right there with my kids on the couch and them have no clue what was going on. That's definitely been one of my biggest fears since my husband has been gone, that something would happen to me and my kids would be left on their own until they figured out to pick up the phone and call someone or one of my friends noticed they hadn't heard from me in a while. I tell you what, after this I won't live in another place that has gas again. I had no idea that I had to do anything if they turned the gas out. You don't have to with electricity. You'd think they would let people know these things instead of just assuming that we all know what to do with gas. Could you imagine the phone call my husband would have gotten in Iraq...


Blogger UberGoober said...

Now I think I smell gas......

11/30/2005 1:03 PM  

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