
Crazy Mart

Ok, so I go to the open house for school today. Of course the teacher wants crap that I didn't buy over the weekend. So after dinner I decide to make a quick trip to Wal Mart. I needed to get just a few supplies, some shampoo and soap for the boys, and some breakfast stuff, thirty minutes tops trip, right? Wrong!! Try almost 2 1/2 hours!! o_O The people in the school supplies aisles were freaking insane! My son almost got run over twice! People were just shoving their way through and going crazy. I mean, you'd have thought it was Christmas Eve or something. I couldn't believe it. Then to make it worse they only had 5 regular lanes, one express lane and 4 self checkout lanes open. So each lane had like 15 people in it. So I choose a self checkout lane thinking it might go pretty quickly. Ugh, wrong again! There was this lady who weighed like 300 pounds with an entire cart full of stuff in the self checkout lane. Come on! If you have a cartful of crap, be polite and save the self checkout for those with less stuff! Then two people behind her was this woman who ended up needing help and had to wait 10 minutes before an associate finally came over to straighten it out. This one chick kept coming over to bring people over to her little stand to ring them up real quick. What was ticking me off was two times she came and took the person right behind me! Dude, I had like 10 things in my cart! I would have been quick!! So, I ended up being in line for about 50 minutes. By the time I got out of there and got home it was way past the boys bedtimes. In fact I almost missed the beginning of Over There.
*Note to self, don't ever go to Wal Mart the night before school starts.


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