
Georgia Rain

Today was a beautiful day. Nice and sunny, very hot. I met up with a friend for some Dairy Queen and then picked son#2 up from school. My son asked if we could go out to eat. I figured I've been good this week and have cooked each night so what the hell, sure. He asked to go to Shoney's, or for you Northerners and Mid-Westerners it's called Big Boy. Again, I say sure. Fast forward a couple of hours and it's raining. And I don't mean drizzly Seattle-type rain, I mean bottom-falls-out-thunder-and-lightning-Georgia-type rain. Seriously, if you were to look up Savannah's weather you would see that at least 5 days a week they predict thunderstorms. They come out of nowhere too, just like this one. So, it's now time for dinner and it is freaking pouring outside, but I told my little one that we'd go out to eat. I am very much if I tell my kids we're doing something, we're doing it by God, come hell or highwater. I despise letting them down. So, yes, I piled our crazy asses in the car so we could go to Shoney's to eat. Also something else I do for them is drive through the puddles on the side of the road. They love to watch the water come splashing up! I kinda like it too. *giggle* As if people didn't think we were crazy enough already getting out in this crap I just cemented it in their minds that I am loony by hitting every puddle we come across.
So we get to Shoney's and tonight is the breakfast for dinner night on the buffet. Yum! *Remember I am not a morning person, so I rarely eat breakfast. So we're sitting there munching on our food when I see across the restaurant this itty-bitty woman with the biggest salad I have ever seen in my life. I shit you not, this salad was piled 2 inches high all the way around the plate!! "That was probably her whole meal," you say to me. Ah, no my friend, after the salad her food came out, fried shrimp and a baked potato. I was in utter amazement at the sight of this very petite woman eating this grotesquely large amount of food. If I ate like that I would be the size of a house. *rolls eyes* Damn metabolism!


Blogger UberGoober said...

Mmmmmm, can I get some grits with that....

Sometimes we do the breakfast for dinner thing at home. SHRUG If the son wants pancakes for dinner, why not. I't has eggs and milk in it right....

I have never had a dinner at SHoney's just the Breakfast Bar. :)

Biscuits and Gravy baby! My arteries twinge even as I type this.

8/11/2005 10:00 AM  
Blogger Des said...

Yep, when it comes to breakfast I am a Southern girl to the core! Give me a big ole plate of sausage and biscuits and a side of grits!!

8/11/2005 12:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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8/15/2005 10:05 AM  
Blogger Des said...

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8/15/2005 12:17 PM  

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