
Lessons Learned at the Firehouse

Ahh, the things kids learn when they go places.  Son#2 went on a field trip to the fire department with his class today.  Now, for this to be funny you have to know that son#2 is 5 years old and can come up with the craziest things at times.  So I pick him up from school and he tells me all about the trip:  we walked there, we got to shoot the hose at a little cone, we got to walk through a fire truck, they didn’t have any fire dogs, etc.  He also tells me things he learned while there:
  1. Stoves are dangerous because they are hot.  (Very true, I’ve told him that a million times.)

  2. Sinks are dangerous.  “If you climb up on the counter to open the little door things up there, you could fall into the sink.”  (Hmm, that’s an interesting one, never looked at the sink that way.)

  3. “Markerwaves” are dangerous.  “If you put a hotdog in the markerwave and leave it in for too long the hotdog will explode!”  (I didn’t realize exploding hotdogs was on the list of household dangers I need to be concerned about.)
So, boys and girls this is our lesson for today.  Watch out for those hot stoves, kid-eating sinks and “markerwave” exploding hotdogs!


Strange Site of the Day

Enter Cuss Words Here

My friend, whose daughter goes to preschool with my son, called to tell me the director called to inform her that they also are shutting down Monday and Tuesday. What the blue fuck is that?! I am PAYING for my kid to go to that damn school! We DRIVE them, they do not ride a bus! You just have no idea how bad I want to go to that school and demand my $18.50 back for him missing two days. Yes, I am going to be pissed about this and bitching and moaning for quite some time. Stupid-ass Georgia governor can kiss my Georgia hating ass!


Excuse me??

Georgia has now been shifted to the very top of my list of dumbest states I've lived in. On Friday it was announced that there will be no school Monday and Tuesday due to a "possible gas shortage." What the hell??!! A possible gas shortage? This is the stupidest reason I have ever heard for there to not be school. And this is coming from a woman who went to school in a county that released us early one day because the weather SAID it was going to snow, but not one flake fell from the sky. My youngest son goes to a private preschool so he better go! I'm paying for those two days of school, damnit!! Somebody is going to need to refund me $18.50 if he doesn't go. And my oldest goes to school here on the Army post, so he will still have school. Since his school is federal, they are not regulated by the state. This is just insanity!!

Today we had soccer practice and a football game. Soccer went just fine, except for son#1 not wanting to listen to me about not running up and down the bleachers. Son#2 absolutely loves playing soccer, even if he isn't all that great at it. Football went MUCH better than last week. Son#1 actually got to play! I don't think I blogged about it but he played two plays in last weeks game. Today they did a much better job of rotating the players out, meaning they actually did rotate the players. They lost 20-13, but at this point winning and losing doesn't matter. This is just the training age anyway. My baby was so cute out there on that field. ^_^ His best friend plays for the team they were competing against. He got to tackle his friend a couple of times. That was the best part of the day for him! lol He looks so funny right now though because he has a bit of a sunburn on his face, but since he wears a helmet the burn just goes right across the bridge of his nose onto his cheeks. Soooo cute!!

While I was cleaning the kitchen after dinner I overheard a conversation between the boys. They were discussing show and tell at Son#2's school yesterday.
Son 2: Isabel brought a camera to school.
Son 1: Did she take pictures with it?
2: No, it didn't have any film in it.
1: Oh.
2: It had princesses on it. I don't like princesses.
1: She's a girl!
I don't know why I found this conversation so funny, but I did. "She's a girl" just seemed to roll off the tongue of #1, like it's some kind of disease or something she needs to be excused for. Boys, I swear!

There was something else I wanted to talk about, but I can't think of it right now. I'm sure I'll be back later to add it. Until then, happy blogging!!

*Edit: I remember now. Thanks to AIM playing movie previews right after it loads I found a movie coming out that looks good. (Now that the Star Wars and LOTR movies are done I have nothing to look forward to when it comes to new releases.) It's called Zathura. Picture Jumanji in space. This will definitely be on the list of must-sees for the boys. Last year was The Thunderbirds.


I'm "Normal"???

Ok, first you have to go read the limerick B.O.B.I. wrote about me if you haven't already. lol I'm assuming I guessed the secret sound in one of his previous posts so I got a limerick as my prize. I LOVE it!!!
In the same post he has the results of a geek/nerd/dork test. Well you know me and my addiction to these little quizzes so I took it. Here's mine:
Joe Normal
21 % Nerd, 30% Geek, 4% Dork

*Edit: I saw another quiz I liked better, so I am posting it's results instead.

The Carnal Lover
31% partner focus, 52% aggressiveness, 75% adventurousness
Based on the results of this test, it is highly likely that:

You prefer your romance and love to wild and daring rather than typical or boring, you would rather pursue than be pursued and, when it comes to physical love, you concentrate more on enjoying the experience rather than worrying about your performance.

This places you in the Lover Style of: The Carnal Lover.

The Carnal Lover is a wonderful Lover Style, though it is often confused with terms like "player" or even "slut." The Carnal Lover is not necessarily either of those things (though sometimes is) but is instead a lover of life, romance and pleasure. The Carnal Lover is a treasure to find, though can sometimes be difficult to keep happy once found, because a Carnal Lover often loves a variety-filled life.

In terms of physical love, the Carnal Lover tends to be dynamic and driven, and can therefore be quite pleasurable. Given the right motivation, and the right lover, the Carnal Lover can be a delight in bed.

Best Compatibility can probably be found with: The Surprising Lover (most of all) or the Devoted Lover, or the Liberated Lover.
My test tracked 3 variables How you compared to other people your age and gender:
You scored higher than 1% on partner focus
You scored higher than 52% on aggressiveness
You scored higher than 85% on adventurousness

Link: The Lover Style Profile Test written by donathos on OkCupid Free Online Dating


I forgot to post pics of the jewelry. April demands pics of jewelry so who am I to deny her?


What pic shall I use on the blogs? The time-old question we ask ourselves when we start commenting here. How does one go about choosing theirs?
We've seen hand-drawn pics, PSP-altered pics, cleavage-baring pics, mullet pics, goofy pics and, of course, the ever popular no pic. Some try to choose a pic that shows them in the best light. Some choose one that doesn't show them at all. Some choose one that shows off their creativity or sense of humor. Some use one that will attract the oppposite sex to them.
When I first settled on mine I was in the mindframe that I'm not here to meet anyone or try to pick up a new man, one is more then enough, thank you. I wasn't in the mood to get hit on or asked if I'm looking for someone to fill the void my husband left when he went overseas. I get enough of that in real life (yes, we army wives are targets of scumbags who don't care about marriage vows). So I decided to go with a pic that I think is freaking funny and not really all that flattering. I was really surprised about the reaction to it. Just because I think it's a funny shot of me doesn't mean that others would, but they do. I have had a number of comments on my goofy pic. I really like that my goofiness can bring a smile to someones face now and then. :)
I am trying out a new pic for a couple of days. Just one that I made with a webcam. Just to change things up a bit. But don't worry, I will go back to my normal goofiness soon.



I received a box from my hubby today! ^_^ *Does happy dance* He is usually pretty good about sending me letters on a regular basis. The box was a nice surprise. He sent back some books that he's read and wants me to put up for him, a couple of knives he bought for the boys (although they will only be items to look at lol), a tripod for the camera (looks like he might get some naughty pics now), a really cool movie he made for son#1 out of videos from his R&R leave this summer, some film for me to develop (see below for some of the pics) and my favorite, some jewelry from Baghdad! Now, I'm not a fan of silver and I have to admit when I first opened the little baggie the jewelry was in I thought the pieces were ugly. But they were so dirty they were black. I was kinda shocked because I wasn't expecting USED jewelry. lol But I dipped it all in jewelry cleaner and it all came out so shiny and pretty! There is a ring with a big blue stone in it, a set that includes earrings, bracelet and necklace that have little black stones in them, and a ring with a pink stone. Now, knowing me, which one do you guys think is my fave? If you answered the ring with the PINK stone then you are absolutely correct! But it is soooo big that I'm wearing it as a thumb ring. It looks good on me though. ;) Ray, if you're reading this, I can't tell you how much it means to me that I am in your thoughts even when you're out on patrols. And I'm so silly but my very favorite thing out of the whole box is the little bag the jewelry was in. He drew a heart on it and wrote my name in the center. Yes, ladies, my man is such a sweetheart!!

Ok, enough of the sappy stuff. Here are some of the pics he sent. (I hope they can all be on here, otherwise I'll split it up.)

Umm, yeah...whatever


What the news taught me...

Ok, just so I don't get any hateful comments for this one, let me just say I got it in an email and thought I'd share...

Things I have learned from watching the news on TV lately:

The hurricane only hit black families' property.

New Orleans was devastated and no other city was affected by the hurricane.

Mississippi is reported to have a tree blown down.

New Orleans has no white people.

The hurricane blew a limb off a tree in the yard of an Alabama resident.

When you are hungry after a hurricane, steal a big screen TV.

The hurricane did 23 billion dollars in improvements to New Orleans; now the city is welfare, looters and gang-free, and they are in your city.

White folks don't make good news stories.

Don't give thanks to the thousands that came to help rescue you, instead bitch because the government hasn't given you a debit card yet.

Only black family members got separated in the hurricane rescue efforts.

Ignore warnings to evacuate and the white folks will come get you and give you money for being stupid.

Damn, I feel so sorry for all those black folks. The only way it could have been worse was to be white.

The Joys of Freedom

I found this on the site "News of the Weird."

Another Underreported Success Story in the Rebuilding of Iraq: "Abu Mustafa" (a nickname) is part of a small market of vendors of pornographic videos operating in Baghdad, according to an August Reuters dispatch, and sells about 50 DVDs a day, with movies from Lebanon and other Arab countries the most popular. "I tried lots of other jobs," he said, but this was his most promising opportunity (although he said the righteous Shi'ite Badr Brigades have threatened to kill him and his approximately 30 competitors in the Bab al-Sharjee neighborhood).

Ahh, it's so nice to know that my husband and others like him are giving Iraqis the freedom to jack off in the privacy of their own living rooms. Gives me a nice warm fuzzy feeling!


Hee hee!

What Your Underwear Says About You
You like your underwear to make you feel girlish and pretty. Let's hope you're a chick.
You're a closet exhibitionist who gets a thrill from being secretly naughty.


Ta Dah!!

Ok, so it's not the grandest layout in all of blogworld, but it's now PINK and makes me happy for now. I'll probably change the background image, but it works for now.

*Edit: Damnit! I just noticed I lost my links!! Now I have to redo those b/c I didn't bother to copy it all down first. *twitch*


New Layout

Ok, I am going to attempt making my own blog layout. It will be some sort of pink monstrosity. Yes, I am crazy about pink. I love it, I love it, I love it!! So hopefully I'll have something cute and pink on here in the next day or so. Wish me luck!!


Well, the birthday party was a total bust! Only one of his friends came, and that's only because her mom is one of my closest friends here. Another one of my friends came with her two daughters and that was it. Seriously! And of the 6 other kids that were invited but didn't show only one parent called to tell me they weren't and why. Luckily my son didn't seem to care, and thankfully I didn't invest a whole lot of time and money into this party. Otherwise there would have been some snobby bitches getting an earful Monday.
I drove one of my friends around furniture shopping today. It was so much fun! And I'm not the one getting the furniture! lol I just like to look, and drool over the stuff I won't have anytime soon because of my ever present expensive taste. Grr! We're going to Savannah tomorrow to look some more. I love going to Savannah, but with it being an hour away I don't head up that way all that often. It will be even nicer going without the kids. :D


Sept 11

A sad day for so many... a happy day for me and my family. Today is son#2's 5th birthday! Yes, he turned one on that fateful day in 2001.
This day will forever be bittersweet for us. It's hard to be happy on a day that changed our country so drastically. I often feel guilty about today being a big day for us. I guess it's part of what they call "survivors guilt."
So today I am having a little party for him at the playground. I ordered a motorcycle cake for him. He is crazy about anything fast! I doubt anyone shows though, because I kept forgetting to send the invitations out. I didn't give them to the kids in his class until Friday, so it might not have been enough notice. I already had one call me this morning to tell me they have a friend from out of town in and are going to the beach. Two of my friends are coming but that's probably it. Oh well, no biggie. As long as he has his motorcycle cake and gets to play he doesn't care.


Bush's Vacation


Bob checked into a hotel on a business trip and was a bit lonely, so he thought he would get one of those girls you see advertised in phone booths. He decided to phone one called Erogeonique, a lovely girl, bending over in the photo -- beautiful. So he picked up the card and dialed the number.
"Hello?" the woman says.
"Hi, I hear you do massage and I'd like you to come to my room and give me a massage. No...wait, I want sex... I want it hard, fast and now! I'm talking kinky, the whole night, you name it we'll do it. Bring implements, bring toys... do the lot, all night, tie me up, cover me in anything. Now how does that sound.?"
She says, "That sounds fantastic... But for an outside line you press 9."

Up and Running Again

Yay! The tech came today to fix my 'puter. He replaced the motherboard and the power supply. I asked him about what the Dell people had told me about replacing my surge protector power strip. He said that isn't the issue. He told me to go to newegg.com (like Bobi said) and buy my own power supply. Said that the ones Dell has had them installing in my pc are only 250 and should be a minimum of 400, and that's more than likely the problem with zapping motherboards left and right. So, I am going to attempt buying and installing my own power supply next week. *ish skeered* Do you think getting a different power supply is the option to go with for now?
He also said that having "a friend" build one for me won't necessarily give me a better computer. Only if they buy the best parts and don't go for economy will a homemade pc be better than my Dell. So, I will just stick with my crappy pc until my warranty runs out.


Dead Dell

My computer died. AGAIN! I called Dell and they are saying (AGAIN) that it's either the motherboard or the power supply. So they are sending out both parts. The tech should be calling my Wednesday or Thursday to come out and work on it. AGAIN! This will make the third motherboard and second powersupply they have replaced, in a two year period. And they already replaced the hard drive once. I hate this damn thing! April is always picking on me for having a Dell so I am expecting to see a comment from her saying "I told you so" once I am back on my computer. So, to all my blogfriends, I wish you a lovely week and I'll see ya once my piece of crap is fixed.

P.S. Dane had posted on his blog about Kanye West and his outburst on the hurricane telethon. So I had to tell about this... I went to Wal Mart today to get some computer paper. When I walked through the door they had huge pallets of water set up. I'm sure with all of us trying to help they are selling a crap load. So, anyway, they have this huge display of water when you first walk through. Well directly behind the water is a cd display case with, I shit you not, Kanye West cds in it! Conicidence? I say nay, it's no coincidence.


Did Any Get On The Wall?

I went this afternoon to help one of my friends paint her daughters bedroom. I warned her before I grabbed a roller, "I have never painted before." With said warning she still wanted my help. Well, I am now wondering if I managed to get any of the paint on the walls or whether I am wearing all of it...

Hmm, how did I get all this paint on my foot you ask. Well, simple really, I was backing up to get to a lower part of the wall since I had one of those long reaching handles on the roller and just didn't realize I was backing right into the paint tray. Yes, I stuck my foot in the paint. Go ahead, laugh all you want. And it's that high gloss paint, so I'm having a difficult time getting it off. I'm going to go hop in the tub to see if a nice soak will help get rid of it. Oh, I forgot to mention that it's also on my hands, on my arm and even on my wedding ring set. Although when I got it on my ring I immediately went to the sink and scrubbed with a toothbrush. I can just see the look of sheer terror on my husbands face were I to tell him I smeared my marquis through high gloss paint. I have no idea how I managed, but there is no paint in my hair. Yay, one part I don't have to scrub. ^_^


It's been awhile...

My friend April had this quiz on her blog so I thought I'd copy her. (How's it feel, Ms. Copycat?!)

D is for Distinguished
E is for Explosive
S is for Sensual
I is for Ideal
R is for Refreshing
E is for Extraordinary
E is for Enthusiastic

What Does Your Name Mean?

Warm Fuzzy Feelings

To backtrack a bit so my post makes more sense…  Back in October, one of the wives of a soldier in my husbands unit passed away.  Her husband was left with their 10 month old daughter and a deployment to Iraq coming in a few months.  I helped him out by watching his daughter for him so she wouldn’t be living in daycare.  Well, when it came time for him to move, he got a compassionate reassignment order to go to Florida rather than Iraq, he still had all of his wife’s belongings.  His sister-in-law came up and they went through her clothes.  They pulled out any special items and bagged the rest of it up.  He had no idea what to do with it; he didn’t want to sell it or give it to an organization that would, he didn’t want anyone profiting off his dead wife’s stuff.  So he gave them to me and asked that I hold onto them until someone needed them.  These clothes have taken up an entire wall of my dining room since February.
This week with the devastation of Hurricane Katrina I thought nothing was more deserving a cause to give these clothes away than to help the victims.  The problem I’ve run into was that none of the organizations taking donations want anything other than cash.  I have been extremely frustrated with this!  How the hell can you not take what generous people are trying to offer?  Isn’t any help better than no help?  Not everyone who wants to help can pack up and head off to LA or MS for a few weeks or have the money to spare for a donation.  I also don’t like giving money because I don’t trust that all my money is going to help, as it should. Well, I go to Wal Mart this afternoon to pick up cat and dog food and other household items.  When I get there I see Sheriffs cars and a big truck sitting out front collecting donations.  I go up and ask what they are accepting.  They tell me anything; food, water, diapers, etc.  So as I’m in there getting my stuff I pick up soap, toothpaste, toothbrushes, diapers, baby food, formula and water to give.  (I had forgotten how damn expensive a baby is!!)  When I give the items to the dudes manning the truck I ask if they are accepting used clothes.  They said “Yes, we will take anything you have to give.”  Man, I was so relieved!  I wanted to shout for joy that I was actually going to be able to help.  
So I run home and grab up all these clothes.  Man, that was an adventure.  Since I live on the second floor I just tossed these bags over the banister and then lugged them to my car from there.  Also in all this was a bassinet and an infant bouncy chair.  I go back to Wal Mart to give them this stuff and almost cry as I’m doing it.  I feel so good that I was able to do something.  And that it not only benefits these hurricane victims but that it also fulfills the wish of a devoted husband to his late wife.