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My friend, whose daughter goes to preschool with my son, called to tell me the director called to inform her that they also are shutting down Monday and Tuesday. What the blue fuck is that?! I am PAYING for my kid to go to that damn school! We DRIVE them, they do not ride a bus! You just have no idea how bad I want to go to that school and demand my $18.50 back for him missing two days. Yes, I am going to be pissed about this and bitching and moaning for quite some time. Stupid-ass Georgia governor can kiss my Georgia hating ass!
You are sooo crazy and Georgia must be sooo f...boring
start moving west coast east Coast the USA is so big i did the same i live now in berlin every f.. day a party but after 10 years its enough ill do it easy now ;-)
See and people think Indiana is crazy lol
I'm going to use "blue fuck" 5 times tomorrow.
Ahh, but blue fuck is only for when you are really upset! ;)
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