I received a box from my hubby today! ^_^ *Does happy dance* He is usually pretty good about sending me letters on a regular basis. The box was a nice surprise. He sent back some books that he's read and wants me to put up for him, a couple of knives he bought for the boys (although they will only be items to look at lol), a tripod for the camera (looks like he might get some naughty pics now), a really cool movie he made for son#1 out of videos from his R&R leave this summer, some film for me to develop (see below for some of the pics) and my favorite, some jewelry from Baghdad! Now, I'm not a fan of silver and I have to admit when I first opened the little baggie the jewelry was in I thought the pieces were ugly. But they were so dirty they were black. I was kinda shocked because I wasn't expecting USED jewelry. lol But I dipped it all in jewelry cleaner and it all came out so shiny and pretty! There is a ring with a big blue stone in it, a set that includes earrings, bracelet and necklace that have little black stones in them, and a ring with a pink stone. Now, knowing me, which one do you guys think is my fave? If you answered the ring with the PINK stone then you are absolutely correct! But it is soooo big that I'm wearing it as a thumb ring. It looks good on me though. ;) Ray, if you're reading this, I can't tell you how much it means to me that I am in your thoughts even when you're out on patrols. And I'm so silly but my very favorite thing out of the whole box is the little bag the jewelry was in. He drew a heart on it and wrote my name in the center. Yes, ladies, my man is such a sweetheart!!
Ok, enough of the sappy stuff. Here are some of the pics he sent. (I hope they can all be on here, otherwise I'll split it up.)

Ok, enough of the sappy stuff. Here are some of the pics he sent. (I hope they can all be on here, otherwise I'll split it up.)

I try to send him a letter at least once a month. And I send him snacks and other stuff at least every 6 weeks, sometimes more often than that. He has other people that send him toiletries and hygiene items so I just get to send him food and other goofy things. I sent him some lightsabers a couple of months ago. I am still waiting for pics of their epic battles!
It's interesting to see pictures from the soldiers point of view rather than what the news media deems to show you. *Good wishes for his safe return to you*
YAY pictures! Thanks for sharing! Now i shall wait for the light saber pics :)
p.s. he looks cute Des ;)
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