
The Joys of Freedom

I found this on the site "News of the Weird."

Another Underreported Success Story in the Rebuilding of Iraq: "Abu Mustafa" (a nickname) is part of a small market of vendors of pornographic videos operating in Baghdad, according to an August Reuters dispatch, and sells about 50 DVDs a day, with movies from Lebanon and other Arab countries the most popular. "I tried lots of other jobs," he said, but this was his most promising opportunity (although he said the righteous Shi'ite Badr Brigades have threatened to kill him and his approximately 30 competitors in the Bab al-Sharjee neighborhood).

Ahh, it's so nice to know that my husband and others like him are giving Iraqis the freedom to jack off in the privacy of their own living rooms. Gives me a nice warm fuzzy feeling!


Blogger UberGoober said...

Goes to show you, Spanking one out feels good in any Language. :)

Des, I visited the Oracle, it's scary how right it was. Check out what he said.

9/21/2005 1:59 PM  

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