
Dead Dell

My computer died. AGAIN! I called Dell and they are saying (AGAIN) that it's either the motherboard or the power supply. So they are sending out both parts. The tech should be calling my Wednesday or Thursday to come out and work on it. AGAIN! This will make the third motherboard and second powersupply they have replaced, in a two year period. And they already replaced the hard drive once. I hate this damn thing! April is always picking on me for having a Dell so I am expecting to see a comment from her saying "I told you so" once I am back on my computer. So, to all my blogfriends, I wish you a lovely week and I'll see ya once my piece of crap is fixed.

P.S. Dane had posted on his blog about Kanye West and his outburst on the hurricane telethon. So I had to tell about this... I went to Wal Mart today to get some computer paper. When I walked through the door they had huge pallets of water set up. I'm sure with all of us trying to help they are selling a crap load. So, anyway, they have this huge display of water when you first walk through. Well directly behind the water is a cd display case with, I shit you not, Kanye West cds in it! Conicidence? I say nay, it's no coincidence.


Blogger April May said...

All i have to say is that is what you get for buying a pos Dell lol! And you already knew that was coming because i tell you EVERYTIME this happens lol Can't wait to have you back i am sooooo lonely!

9/06/2005 8:33 PM  

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