Did Any Get On The Wall?
I went this afternoon to help one of my friends paint her daughters bedroom. I warned her before I grabbed a roller, "I have never painted before." With said warning she still wanted my help. Well, I am now wondering if I managed to get any of the paint on the walls or whether I am wearing all of it...

Hmm, how did I get all this paint on my foot you ask. Well, simple really, I was backing up to get to a lower part of the wall since I had one of those long reaching handles on the roller and just didn't realize I was backing right into the paint tray. Yes, I stuck my foot in the paint. Go ahead, laugh all you want. And it's that high gloss paint, so I'm having a difficult time getting it off. I'm going to go hop in the tub to see if a nice soak will help get rid of it. Oh, I forgot to mention that it's also on my hands, on my arm and even on my wedding ring set. Although when I got it on my ring I immediately went to the sink and scrubbed with a toothbrush. I can just see the look of sheer terror on my husbands face were I to tell him I smeared my marquis through high gloss paint. I have no idea how I managed, but there is no paint in my hair. Yay, one part I don't have to scrub. ^_^

Hmm, how did I get all this paint on my foot you ask. Well, simple really, I was backing up to get to a lower part of the wall since I had one of those long reaching handles on the roller and just didn't realize I was backing right into the paint tray. Yes, I stuck my foot in the paint. Go ahead, laugh all you want. And it's that high gloss paint, so I'm having a difficult time getting it off. I'm going to go hop in the tub to see if a nice soak will help get rid of it. Oh, I forgot to mention that it's also on my hands, on my arm and even on my wedding ring set. Although when I got it on my ring I immediately went to the sink and scrubbed with a toothbrush. I can just see the look of sheer terror on my husbands face were I to tell him I smeared my marquis through high gloss paint. I have no idea how I managed, but there is no paint in my hair. Yay, one part I don't have to scrub. ^_^
Oh Des now that is funny! Great pics. Glad you got the paint off your rings.
ha ha!
Ummm...by now, you'll be past this, but I have two words to offer for next time: Paint Thinner. :) Think of it as finger nail polish remover. Oh well, hope it all came out okay!
*snicker* I hope you guys had a drop cloth on the floor, or did you then have fun trying to clean the paint off the carpet or wood, whichever the case may be.
It's funny/scary that a post with a pic of my feet is the most commented on post I have. o_O
I would think cloven hooves are quite hard to type with, so I can see how you missed the enter key.
Yes, we had plastic all around the carpet. She even taped it to the baseboard to make sure it stayed down. But it was a pain in my ass because the plastic kept sticking to my feet. So I had to lift my foot way off the floor to get the plastic off it, which is how I ended up stepping in the paint pan.
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