
Break out the hot chocolate!

All I have to say is...Brrrrrrrrrrr!!! It is freaking cold!! I've been sitting on cold metal bleachers for the last two hours in 52 degree weather. My butt, hands and feet are N-U-M-B. I know you're thinking 52 isn't that cold. Well, for southern GA that is very cold, it was in the upper 70's three days ago! I got a sunburn on Saturday for goodness sakes!!!!! According to the weather.com site we are at least 15 degrees below average right now.
Well I had another post planned for today but with my bitching about how cold it is it will have to wait for another day. It's kinda heavy and depressing. I'll probably do it tomorrow.


Yay yay yay! My son's football team won their game today! The score was 53-27. Now, that's some football right there! The boys were all playing so well, they definitely deserved this win. I think they only got two or three penalties, rather than their usual seven or more. I was so proud of my son, he is finally getting the hang of it. He made three tackles today!! With one of them the kid had barely been able to pass the line of scrimage before he got him. *does mama pride dance*

I haven't been blogging much lately, if at all. I'm just not feeling like it. I've even stopped reading other blogs. I guess the whole newness of it wore off. I don't feel the need to come on here and tell about everything that happened that day. Not that I have much to talk about other than football, soccer, scouts and missing my man. I guess all the months of him being gone is just now catching up to me. I've been stressed, grumpy, fighting with my friends and just miserable to be around. Hell, half the time I hate being around myself. And nobody wants to read about that so I've been sparing anyone who happens upon my blog.

I talked to one of my friends yesterday and she was telling me about some pictures she got from her husband in Iraq. He sent her some film and told her to get it developed. One roll had pictures of her husband, my husband and three other guys. There are different pics of them hanging out and stuff I guess. But one of them is a little disturbing and I'm a little concerned. It's a picture of one of the five of them with their little dude hanging out. She says she doesn't know whose it is but is pretty certain it's not her husbands. So I am hoping and praying that one of my best friends does not have a picture of my husbands penis!! I will be one ticked off wife if so. I mean, how would he like if I had her take a picture of my boobs, send it to her husband and then have him showing it off to his friends only to have my husband see it and say "Hey, that's my wifes tits you're staring at, ass!"? Jealous much? Oh yeah, I'm jealous; and the thought of one of my friends having a picture like that of my husband chills my blood. I don't know whether I should ask to see the pic so I can see if it's him or not or whether I should just forget about it and feel that I'm better off not knowing. I'll have to think on this one for a couple of days.

I have a headache and a sunburn from the game. So I think I am going to lay down and see if I can get my head to stop hurting. Then I might take the boys up to Savannah tonight and walk around River Street to see if there's any live music playing. So I guess I'll blog more later. Have a good day! :)


That was weird

I just had to talk about this crazy dream I had. Me and some guy (I don't know who he is) were in Baghdad. I don't know why we were in Baghdad. We're walking around and commenting on how clean all the non-Iraqi people are, as if they were all freshly showered. Then we come across this building that looks like a deserted factory. We go in to take a look around and it's an old dry cleaner. There are all kinds of washing machines and other equipment in there, but it's all very old, probably 50's or 60's era. We are talking about how neat it would be to get the old place up and running again when Lucille Ball walks out of somewhere and comes up to us. Yes, I said Lucille Ball, from back in her I Love Lucy days. She tells us that this is her laundry but that it closed down some time ago. She gives a tour of the old place and we're all talking. We convince her to fix it up and go into business again. While we are talking we hear a bus pull up outside. We go to check it out and it's a bus full of Lucy impersonators, like in that movie Rat Race. (Why would there be a busload of Lucy impersonators in Baghdad???) We all go out and greet the Lucys and show them around. Finally Lucy tells them all that she's the real deal but they don't believe her. We just roll our eyes as they get back on their bus and drive away. As they drive off my dream ends.
o_O What kind of crazy dream is this?! I don't usually remember the dreams I have but when I do they are always something crazy like this.
Ray always laughs at me and calls me a jackass or some other such endearment when I tell him my dreams. I hope he's able to come on and read this because I will have forgotten it by the time I talk to him again. Although I doubt he'll be coming on soon. He's been tasked to pull security for all that election stuff going on in Baghdad in case things get ugly. *rolls eyes* As if it won't get ugly over there during this. From what he's told me in the past of things they've done, this one sounds like it's going to be the most dangerous. That scares me! He is so close to coming home, only a few more months. I wish this last part of his tour could be a cakewalk. I'm sure every person with a family member there wishes the same thing though. lol Oh well, I know my husband is going to be just fine, he's too stubborn to die, he wants to stick around to make my life miserable. ^_^ God, I love that man! (For those couple of people who read my blog and only think the worst of me, you know who you are, he and I talk like that about each other all the time. It's a joke, so get off your high horse and quit your huffing!)

*I forgot to tell you that my son's team won their football game last night! 39-0 Woo-hoo! They are now 2-3.


Mud, Football and High Expectations

Son#1 had a football game today. I wasn't really all that excited about it because it was an away game (about an hour from us) and they haven't won a game yet. But come to find out the other 7-8 year old team here got all the kids who played last year, greedy asses! Well the team we were playing today, Wilmington Island, came here to play the other team last Saturday. Let me tell you, they looked sharp! Their uniforms are all cool and shiny, they even have the kids names on the back and the team name on the front. They had decorations on their helmets. Needless to say, this city has money to spend on their kids!! Our boys are wearing plain, used uniforms. The jerseys are just a plain color with their number, the helmets are plain white and they have these ugly white pants (that are impossible to keep spotless). Here's a pic for demonstration:

Now, don't get me wrong, I'm not really complaining all that much. Our boys, who are almost all kids of deployed soldiers, play for free. So, when your kids play for free you can't expect them to look like pro-players. So, anyway, I figured since these kids are obviously wearing expensive uniforms that must mean they would play on a super-sized mega look-how-much-money-we-spend-on-our-kids field. WRONG! I pulled up and my jaw dropped. That field didn't even look like a football field. Seriously. All it was was a grass field with some faded white lines painted on it, some sad looking goal posts, and two sets of rundown broken bleachers. Not even a scoreboard! And, I can be such a bitch... I said, "Well we see what they spend all their money on." Even worse than this sorry looking field is that it was a poorly maintained field. There was a giant fireant hill on the 27 yard line.
The weather didn't help much either. We have had a lovely lady named Tropical Storm Tammy visiting with us this week. All I can say is that we are soaked and flooded. So we get to this field and it is one big nasty mudbog. And not just any mud, mind you, but horrific-smelling muck! It smelled like our boys were going to be playing in sewage, in their can't-stay-clean white pants. What we didn't know was that in all that mud were fireants, pissed off and out for blood. Those poor boys were not only soaking wet and covered in mud but they were battling fireants too! The game had to be stopped a couple of times so someone could run out and knock the ants off their legs. I didn't take my camera since I expected it to rain. So I don't have any pics of just how muddy my son was. I made him take his jersey, cleats and socks off before I let him in the car. But his back and legs were still covered. Luckily I'm extremely anal about my car so I had a sheet in the trunk for him to sit on.
But the best part about the day was that they won!!! 13-6 Their first win. They were so happy!
I am currently washing his pants, with a buttload of bleach to get them somewhere close to white again. Who decided that white pants were a good idea for kids football???!!! Morons!!


Long Time, No Post

Yes, I've been absent for some time. I've been busy and tired and all that junk. I am constantly on the run now. But, thankfully, I only have one more month of sports. Both soccer and football are ending in November.

I do have some news though. I took in a stray kitten!

Ok, is she not the cutest thing you've ever laid eyes on?! She was out in the rain under my carport Wednesday. I saw her and pet her and then went on my way. When I came home a little while later she was gone. I went to leave again to pick up the little one from school and she came running up the stairs as I was walking out the door. At this point I decided that if she was still there when I got home I was taking her in. She was waiting for me at my door!! She is so skinny, she is obviously a stray, and if not then her owners took terrible care of her and don't deserve to have her anyway. So I've named her, Kali, and made a vet appointment for her. She is officially mine.
Well, my pet-hating husband is not too thrilled about her. He called yesterday to wish son#1 a happy birthday. So I told him about the new kitten. Well, I guess maybe I should have put it to him a different way... It probably wasn't smart to tell a man who has been in Iraq for 9 months that "we have a new addition to the family." Either way, he's not thrilled. He told me, "No more animals!" Hahaha!

Well that's all for now. I'll think of something else and come back later.


Yes, I'm Feeling Lazy

I haven't felt like blogging the last few days. Hell, I haven't felt like being on the computer at all, actually. So I will post a funny pic for tonight. Maybe I'll be back on tomorrow to actually write something.


Men are like...

Hee hee! Here's a funny email one of my friends sent me.

Men are like...
1. Laxatives...They irritate the shit out of you.
2. Bananas...The older they get the less firm they are.
3. Weather...Nothing can be done to change them.
4. Blenders...You need one but you're not quite sure why.
5. Chocolate...They're sweet, smooth and usually head straight for your hips.
6. Commercials...You can't believe a word they say.
7. Department Stores...Their clothes are always 1/2 off.
8. Government Bonds...They take sooooooo long to mature.
9. Mascara...They usually run at the first sign of emotion.
10. Popcorn...They satisfy you, but only for a little while.
11. Snowstorms...You never know when they're coming, how many inches you'll get or how long it will last.
12. Lava Lamps...Fun to look at, but not very bright.
13. Parking Spots...The good ones are taken and the rest are handicapped.
A man walked into a supermarket with his zipper down. A lady cashier walked up to him and said, "Your barracks door is open." Not a phrase that men normally use, he went on his way looking a bit puzzled.
When he was about done shopping, a man came up and said, "Your fly is open." He zipped up and finished shopping.
At the checkout, he intentionally got in the line where the lady was that told him about his "barracks door." He was planning to have a little fun with her, so when he reached the counter he said, "When you saw my barracks door open, did you see a Marine standing in there at attention?"
The lady (naturally smarter than the man) thought for a moment and said, "No, no I didn't. All I saw was a disabled veteran sitting on a couple of old duffle bags."