Way Back Machine

I went home to Nashville over the weekend for my 10 year high school reunion. I was so nervous. I just knew I was going to be the only one there without a date (remember the hubby's in Iraq). So I figured I'd end up spending the night standing near the bar, boozing it up by myself. I was wrong. Although many of the people there haven't left the area we graduated from so are therefore still all very good friends I did meet up with a few that didn't bring their significant others along with them. Let me tell you, the guys have only improved with age. Rawr! The chicks are almost all exactly the same as they were. I thought there would be major weight gain with having kids and stuff, but not really. In fact, one chick is HALF the size she was in school. No lie!
Well, the best part is that my best friend, Mary, was there! I haven't seen her in like 8 years. I didn't think she'd be there since she dropped out senior year. She didn't even recognize me. It was so funny. She came up and started talking to the chick I was standing with. I let her go on for a little bit then I said, "Don't tell me my best friend doesn't even know who I am!" She had to look at my nametag to figure out who I was! So funny!! See, when I was in school I had hair down to my waist. Now it's right below my ears. So everyone kept going on about how short my hair is now. lol (I included a high school pic with this post)
Well, we all hung out and drank and talked and then we went out afterward. Man, me and Mary are still hell on wheels! We tore up Broadway and 2nd Ave. She even talked me into staying an extra night in town with her. God, I am so glad we found each other again. This Army wife life can be a lonely one. You take all the TRUE friends you can get.