
First Post... Woo-hoo!

Well, I don't really know where to start with this. I guess a little introduction of myself would be appropriate. I am 28 years young, married, have two kids, one dog, one cat, one frog and one beta fish. My husband is in the Army so to keep some stability in the house I don't work. Well, at least I don't work outside the house. Any mom can tell you that we do a hell of a lot of work inside the house, we just don't get paid for it. My sons are 7 and 4. They are currently spending the summer with their grandma in Pennsylvania. And my husband is deployed to Iraq. So I've had the summer to myself. Ahh, such peace.

Well that's all for this post. I'm sure once I get off here I'll think of some other, better stuff to put in. I'll try to keep it entertaining. lol Although I doubt anyone other than the couple of people I tell about this will read it. Have a good day and I'll catch up with you later.


Blogger kiko said...

Welcome to blogspot!

7/20/2005 2:24 PM  

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