

How long has it been since I've blogged? I've really lost track. I am so losing my mind the closer it gets to my husband coming home/the longer he's been gone. It is said that stress can cause your memory to not function at it's best. Man, I am living proof of that! I can't remember the simplest things anymore. This blog being one of them. The only reason why I can remember to take the kids to their sports is because they constantly ask me about it. (Which, btw, soccer is done!! So I'm just down to football now!) I figured I would make a list of things I consistently forget to do (so maybe I can look back at this and remember):
1. Feed the cat.
2. Feed the dog.
3. Send mail to my husband.
4. Brush my teeth.
5. Do laundry.
6. Wash dishes.
7. Take video games/movies back on time.
8. Pay the bills.
9. Prepare for my scouts meetings.
10. Cut my hair.
11. Cut the kids hair.
12. Pack a lunch for son#2 to take to school.
13. Why am I making this list?
14. Make doctors appointments.
15. Give son#1 his meds. (Big headache when I forget this one!!)
Ok, I've forgotten the rest I was going to add. Oh well. I'm sure I'll remember tomorrow or next week or some other time in the near to distant future. I am just tired, stressed and all around worn down. I think I would trade places with my husband in a heartbeat. Yes, I just admitted I would rather be in a war-torn country, battling for my life on a daily basis than be stuck here taking care of all the shit that gets left behind for the spouses to do. He told me not too long after he went over there that he wouldn't trade with me. So even he would rather be in a war-torn country, battling for his life on a daily basis than be stuck here taking care of all the shit that gets left behind for me to do. I think I am going to ask for a one-year vacation from all the household duties, including taking care of the brats, when he gets home. Do you think that will fly? o_O


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